My partner, Seymour J. Mansfield, joined me on The Advisors today (along with host Pamela Muldoon) to discuss issues relevant to leaving an employment position to start a business.  Seymour led off the discussion with the general “at will” employment …

The Advisors, February 21, 2011: Employment Contracts, Severance Agreements & Starting Your Own Business Read more »

A few months back, my partner and I collaborated on an article regarding the asset protection benefits of limited liability companies.  In that article, we discussed a significant difference for creditors’ remedies in pursuing a debtor’s equity interests in business entities, particularly …

Asset Protection and Limited Liability Companies, Revisited Read more »

Life insurance can be a very valuable planning tool for business owners.   Some employers purchase so-called “key person” life insurance  for key executives and/or other personnel who would be difficult to replace.  Additionally, amongst co-owners, life insurance can be used to …

Tax Issues With Employer-Owned Life Insurance Contracts Read more »