Deep Fried Real Estate on a Stick

Readers of this blog who paid attention to my August 8, 2011 posting of the August installments of my Real Estate Radio Hour Legal Minute may have noticed that one Saturday – August 27 – was missing.  Now, to paraphrase the late, great Paul Harvey, you’ll know the rest of the story.  On August 27, the Real Estate Radio Hour will air live from the WCCO Radio booth at the Minnesota State Fair.  Surrounding by the sounds of the Midway and the smells of pork chops on a stick, cheese curds and deep fried candy bars, I will be discussing “Hot Topics in Real Estate Law” along with Co-Host Andy Prasky.  This will be my first show with Andy since he began Co-Hosting with Chris Rooney.  I’m looking forward to the discussion and the questions from callers and for anyone who’s planning to attend the Fair on Saturday, August 27, be sure to be in front of the WCCO Radio booth at 10 am for “Deep Fried Real Estate on a Stick”!