Double Duty Monday Media: Justice in the Morning and The BS Show, 12.5.22

Monday morning was the rare occasion where I called in to both Jon Justice and the Morning AND The BS Show with Bob Sansevere.

Jon was up first at 7:35 am (after a 6 am text). On the docket were two new Minnesota state court lawsuits. The first was the suit brought by former Republican Party of Minnesota Chair Jennifer Carnahan has sued the party for breaching the “non-disparagement” clause in her separation agreement, and the Party fired back in its answer and counterclaim challenging the validity of the agreement. The second was a lawsuit against MN DEED Commissioner Steve Grove for violations of the Minnesota Data Practices Act and for “blocking” some constituents from his Twitter account despite his practice of tweeting information germane to his role as DEED Commissioner. You can listen to that discussion here.

Next was my “regular gig” on Bob’s show, and we again touched on the Carnahan/RPM lawsuit, the recent disclosure of what are being referred to as “the Twitter files”, and a report out of Russia that Vladimir Putin is seriously – and possibly terminally – ill. You can listen to that discussion here.
To listen to my past appearances on Twin Cities News Talk, head over to the show page on this site.
To listen to my previous appearances on The BS Show, please check out the BS Show page of this site.