Post #250: The Best of The Business Man’s Lawyer…So Far


To commemorate my 250th blog post here on The Business Man’s Lawyer, I’ve decided to take a look back and repost the “best of the best so far”; here are the top 10 posts from May 2009 through July 2011:

How to Be the “First Name on the Brain”, May 28, 2009:

One my earliest posts, and still a favorite.  In the beginning, I didn’t intend to make The Business Man’s Lawyer about legal issues; rather, my focus started out on networking and marketing – things that distinguish me, in my opinion, from my competition.  In “First Name on the Brain”, I outline my step-by-step approach to building my marketing machine.  Two years later, it’s still going strong.

9.    Eminent Domain and the Problem With Short-Term Thinking, May 27, 2010:

When a Delano, Minnesota landfill owner found remnants of the famed Metropolitan Building on his land, it reminded Minnesotans of a very ugly time in our state’s history – the razing of the Washington Avenue Gateway in Minneapolis.  It was a case of urban planning gone horribly awry, and I saw parallels between it and the more recent saga of Susette Kelo’s property in New London, Connecticut – which went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and triggered an outcry over the limits of economic development.  Even more important, it was notable for the fact that I had figured out how to insert cool pictures into my posts.s

8.    Top Five Silliest Real Estate Laws:  #1 – Minnesota’s Torrens Law, March 7, 2010:

Of all the real estate law-related posts I’ve written, perhaps none has received more comments than my screed against Minnesota’s Torrens system of land registration.  Given the attitude displayed towards me by some of the local Examiner of Titles’ offices when I’m before them on proceedings, I think that they must’ve read it too.

5-7. (3 WAY TIE). The “Pint Law” Posts:

Could Law Changes Lead to a Brewery Boom in Minnesota?, February 20, 2011;  
Surly Legislation Picks Up Steam, and the MLBA is Steamed About It, February 27, 2011;
The Latest on the Surly Bill, March 13, 2011

When Surly Brewing founder Omar Ansari came to the Minnesota Legislature in the spring of 2011 with a proposal which would allow Minnesota production breweries to sell pints of beer onsite, I saw the potential to take Minnesota’ burgeoning craft beer industry and grow it to the heights of past giants such as Hamm’s, Schmidt and Grain Belt.  It didn’t hurt that one of my clients was one of those breweries who stood to benefit from the law change.  In the end, the “Surly Bill”, also known as the Pint Law, passed in both houses and was signed by Governor Dayton last month.  These three posts attracted a lot of attention and even got me an interview with the Minneapolis Business Journal!

4.    Real Estate Investing With Self-Directed IRAs, May 6, 2011

One of the areas of law that I’ve developed a little niche in is the use of self-directed IRAs for real estate investment.  At a time when access to capital is tight, this has become a popular financing mechanism for many aspiring real estate investors seeking to cash in on the historically low property values.  In this post I outline the basic concepts involved.

3.    A Diamond in the Rough in Wright County: The True Story of How Towne Lakes Has Survived the Housing Crisis, May 24, 2011:

It’s no secret that the Wright County, Minnesota housing market has taken it on the chin in the last five years.  Still, the StarTribune seems to delight in beating a dead horse on the subject by focusing on the worst developments in the area.  In contrast, my kitchy little neighborhood has done well in holding together during the housing crisis.  That’s not to say that our property values aren’t in the tank, but rather that the unique concept of our development has survived through all the chaos and remains a desirable place to call home.    This post was my response to the nattering nabobs of negativism at the Strib.

2.    Dealing With Neighbor Disputes, May 15, 2010:

Since 2008, I’ve been locked in a “Hatfield vs. McCoys” feud with my next door neighbor.  When I garnered some attention on Facebook with an occasional witty observation regarding my nemesis, I felt inclined to provide the back story on the feud.  Given my return to my homeowners association board in September 2010, I’ve mothballed these posts for now, but stay tuned for “Dealing With Neighbor Disputes Part Two” someday; trust me, it will be epic….

1.    My Greatest Business Decision, July 27, 2009:

Not surprisingly, my favorite post is the one where I threw back the curtain to show everyone the real marketing wizard in my family; namely, my beautiful and talented wife.  Posted on our seventh wedding anniversary, I explained how behind every successful businessman, there stands an even savvier woman!