SCOTUS Throws Shade on Section 230 Changes, and Minnesota Breweries Look For Changes in Marijuana Legalization Bill…and Toro the Conqueror Takes on the Latest “Storm of the Century”, Jon Justice in the Morning, 2.24.23
I was a part of “Friend of the Show Friday” on Jon Justice in the Morning today, where Jon and I discussed this past week’s U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments on a case with implications for Section 230, a Federal statute which provides immunity for online computer services with respect to third-party content generated by its users. We also discussed how Minnesota breweries are fighting to have their right to continue to make THC-infused beverages under the proposed marijuana legalization bill.
You can listen to our discussion here.
Oh, and we also talked about “Toro the Conqueror.”
Who is “Toro the Conqueror”, you say? It’s my 1975 Toro 7/24 snowblower which was passed along to me during the winter of 2018-19 by my father. As the story goes, I was born in May 1975, and my Dad bought the snowblower in the fall of 1975. Since coming into my possession, it has become something of a social media star, and I dubbed it “Toro the Conqueror”:
Jon mentioned it twice this past week in the lead up to and now following our massive Minnesota snowstorm…or should I say our most recent massive Minnesota snowstorm, as we have officially run out of places to put the stuff. Perhaps then it is appropriate that Toro the Conqueror’s theme song is KISS’ “Legends Never Die.”
To listen to my past appearances on Twin Cities News Talk, head over to the show page on this site.