On the May 9, 2022 edition of The BS Show, host Bob Sansevere and I did a “Three and Out” on Rich Strike’s Kentucky Derby upset victory, what impact that the leaked Supreme Court might have on this fall’s midterm …

The BS Show, May 9, 2022: Kentucky Derby Upset, Leaked SCOTUS Opinion’s Impact on the Midterm Elections, and More Twins Cards Talk Read more »

In the wake of the bombshell leaked draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court which indicated that the court is poised to overrule Roe vs. Wade, I called in to Justice & Drew Tuesday morning following a flash of the …

Justice & Drew, May 3, 2022: a Draft SCOTUS Opinion is Leaked and the “Bat Signal” is Flashed Read more »

I was back on the Friday Roundtable with Justice & Drew on Friday morning, along with fellow attorney and Powerline blog co-founder, Scott Johnson. In the 7 am hour we discussed the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and President Biden’s …

Justice & Drew Friday Roundtable 3.25.22: Drive-Thru Crime Spree, Biden and Ukraine, and #KBJ SCOTUS hearings Read more »

On Monday’s edition of The BS Show, Bob and I discussed the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine – including how the “blue checkmark” set on Twitter have pivoted from being experts on epidemiology for the past 24 months …

The BS Show 2.28.22: Thoughts on Ukraine and SCOTUS Nominee Read more »

This past Wednesday and Friday I called in to Justice & Drew to discuss the State of Texas’ lawsuit against the States of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan, filed in the U.S. Supreme Court and seeking to invalidate the defendant …

“Denied For Lack of Standing”: SCOTUS Rules on Texas v. Pennsylvania, Justice & Drew 12/9 & 12/11 Read more »

Wednesday morning I was on air with Justice & Drew following another flash of the “bat signal.” This time we talked about the latest developments in the trial of the officers charged in the death of George Floyd; namely, the …

The Latest in the George Floyd Matter and Thoughts on the Barrett Confirmation Hearings, Justice & Drew, 10.14.20 Read more »

The Justice & Drew “Bat Signal” was busy this week! To close out the first term of its “Gorsuch-Kavanagh” era, the Supreme Court issued a serious of decisions wherein it affirmed the role of the Electoral College in Presidential elections, …

SCOTUS, SCOTUS, and More SCOTUS, Justice & Drew, 7.7.20 – 7.10.20 Read more »

Monday morning I joined my good friends on Justice & Drew to discuss two recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and one upcoming decision. In Clayton v. Bostock County, the Court, on a 6-3 vote and with Justice Gorsuch authoring the …

SCOTUS – WTF?, Justice & Drew, 6.22.20 Read more »

  I did back-to-back interviews on Justice & Drew on Friday, June 28, and Monday, July 1, talking about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions handed down last week. First, on June 28, I talked with Jon and Drew about …

ICYMI: Making Sense of Recent Supreme Court Decisions, Justice & Drew Read more »