Welcome to The Business Man’s Lawyer

Welcome to the very first entry at The Business Man’s Lawyer. My name is Jeff O’Brien and this is my blog.
I’m going to start with some information about myself. I am a business and real estate attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota, practicing with the firm of Mansfield Tanick & Cohen. You can read more about my firm here.
While I do all the things that other attorneys do (drafting agreements, negotating deals, etc.), what distinguishes me from other lawyers is my passion for networking, and how I use my networking to help my clients’ businesses. Not only have I built my law practice through my networking efforts, but I put my contacts in touch with each other and with my clients in an effort to help everyone grow their respective businesses. It’s not altruism; in the end, I benefit with increased business when my connections prove successful.
This blog is not about providing legal advice or discussing legal issues in depth. I save the legal advice for the clients who hire me, and the deep discussion of legal issues is saved for my writings (for the Firm’s eWatch newsletter and other publications). This blog is going to be an outlet for all that other stuff that I do: information groups I’m involved in and how they help my business (and how they can help yours), upcoming important events, commentary on social networking (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, yes I’m on them all) and other marketing tips.
I will occasionally talk about hot legal issues, but I’ll do so in a way that everyone can understand (no wherefores, thous or henceforths).
One of my clients likes to refer to me as “a business man masquerading as a lawyer” or “a business man who knows the law”; I like to call myself “The Business Man’s Lawyer”; hence the name of this blog.
Happy reading!