The Blog is Back!

About a month ago, during an episode of The BS Show, host Bob Sansevere made reference to my blog. I said to myself “oh that’s right; the blog.” Suffice it to say it’s been awhile since I’ve posted…to be specific, it’s been since October 15 of last year.
That’s about to change.
I’m in the process of migrating all of my content – radio appearances, articles, presentations, etc. – over to this website. By making this site the one stop shop for all things Jeff, I can focus on this site alone including the blog.
Thus far, the Videos page is up and complete. I also have all of the 2015 Minnesota Home Talk Legal Minutes up. The Sports and Law page is partially done, with my Case in Point podcasts along with my appearances on the Mackey and Judd Show up, and my Wednesday appearances on The BS Show are up on the Audio page. By the time you get done listening to all of that content, I should have this site cleaned up and ready to roll.
Thanks for your patience, and enjoy all the content!